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About Leibniz Privatschule

Class size

The size of our classes is, on average, 22 children – only in exceptional cases reaching 25. A smaller class size is important for us to guarantee that each child and student is individually trained and supported.


A small class size for us is a prerequisite to foster students more individually.


Teachers and Students

“In recent years, the assumption has gained ground that the teacher should almost completely withdraw and leave students to organize and regulate the learning process by themselves. That is entirely wrong. All studies have shown that learning success is contingent on how the teacher positions herself, if she is a trustful person, and if she can understand the position of the student.When the teacher stands in front of the class, in front of the students for the first time, they usually only require a impression from a few minutes to develop a recognition if the teacher is trustful, her competence, and self-esteem.” (Prof. Gerhard Roth) Our colleagues are advised to answer parent emails within 24 hours. They have a work place at the school, equipped with computer and internet, and telephone, and are therefore always reachable during the school day. Requests for a personal interview are to be realized within a week. Email follow the pattern of: lastname@leibniz-privatschule.de.

lehrer sprechstunde

Teachers at Leibniz Privatschule care about their students and are contactable all day.


Classes and Learning Zones

Each classroom is equipped with boxes for private belongings and, starting in grade five, lockers as well. In the learning zones are shelves with 22 laptops. Here, students work following an instruction phase individually on their tasks. The teacher is there for advice and supervision. The board in each class has lists for students to sign into if they have questions. All materials are provided and stored in the lockers or boxes. Textbooks and other books are in the learning zone in sufficient numbers, and, of course, we have projectors and listening stations for language training. In all high level classes students bring their iPad and work together with their teacher. The school is equipped with science labs and modern lab material for biology, physics, and chemistry.


Focus Rooms

For remedial classes in German, particular to provide training against dyslexia, math, and English, we have extra classrooms to provide focused and individual instruction.



The high school classes (10, 11, 12) have a library for themselves with collected material and working/reading space. It is open for classes as well intermission periods. In addition, high school classes have reading rooms with literature. Secondary School I has a library on their floor as well as the elementary school. In addition, teachers have their own library with text book and other literature.


Libraries provide “off-line” ressources for study.

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